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Black Friday 2024

Sparkplug Bosch ZR5TPP33S high power
12120037582 12 12 0 037 582 0037582

BMW 12120037582 12120037582 12 12 0 037 582 0037582 / 12-12-0-037-582 12120037582 12 12 0 037 582 0037582  Sparkplug Bosch ZR5TPP33S high power BMW 12120037582 12120037582 12 12 0 037 582 0037582 / 12-12-0-037-582 12120037582 12 12 0 037 582 0037582  Sparkplug Bosch ZR5TPP33S high power
20.66 USD excl. vat
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Product number: 12-12-0-037-582

Supplier Product Number: 12120037582

Manufacturer product number: 12120037582

The product is original

Condition of the item: New

This product fits on both left and right hand drive model.

(Click on a model below to see which vehicles the part fits)

E82 E88 F20 F20 LCI F21 F21 LCI F22 F23 E90 LCI E91 LCI E92 LCI E93 LCI F30 F31 F34 GT F35 F35 LCI F32 F33 F36 F07 GT F07 GT LCI F10 F10 LCI F11 F11 LCI F18 F06 GC F06 GC LCI F12 F12 LCI F13 F13 LCI F01 LCI F02 LCI X1 (E84) X3 (F25) X4 (F26) X5 (E70LCI) X5 (F15) X6 (E71) X6 (F16) M2 CS Racing

Show details

Weight: 0.04 KG

Package Dimensions (LxHxW): 11x3x3 cm

Amount per car: Amount unknown

Let one of our BMW specialized workshops do the mounting, we got the know how and low prices!

Old product numbers
12 12 0 037 575